You are cordially invited to attend the “Summer School on Advanced Technologies for Knowledge Intensive Networked Organisations” that will take place from October 18–22, 2010 in Aachen, Germany.
Organized by COIN FP7 Integrated Project ( and ACTIVE FP7 Integrated Project (, the summer school seeks to bring together students, scholars and researchers from industry in order to foster collaboration and interoperability through innovative software solutions and share the recent research developments from well-established researchers and educators. The main topics of the summer school are:
*Interoperability and collaboration models and solutions,
*Enterprise interoperability and collaboration services,
*Innovative knowledge and semantically powered technologies,
*Knowledge process and context modeling,
*Pro-active knowledge tools,
*Large scale analytics and reasoning tools,
*Business cases and real case studies.
Participation is limited to 50 participants. Based on already expressed interest, we expect to receive more applications than there are places available. We ask potential participants to send their expression of interest together with curriculum vitae in pdf format no later than September 14th, 2010 to Selected participants will be notified by September 17th, 2010.
Mitja Jermol
Jozef Stefan Institute
All lectures are available on Videolectures.Net.